Women’s Marathon Live Blog

I think the overall theme is going to be….

it’s going to be HOT, HOT, HOT

Here’s a map of the course and personally, I would not be a fan of it as a runner. It’s great for spectators since you can post up in one spot on the course and see the runners pass 3 times but I love marathon courses that have very long stretches in them and no loops. It makes it go faster and is more exciting to me. I actually try to not know the course in advance so then it’s a surprise and a welcome distraction to the amount of pain I’m usually in by mile 19.

Is anyone else crying during this segment on Aliphine’s background and the beautiful book for her daughter….just me, cool.

Interesting fact I just figured out. The taller athlete running, throwing down some Paula Radcliffe vibes, is
Fabienne Schlumpf from Switzerland. She is actually more known as a steeplechaser. I feel like we’ve seen a lot of successful track athletes at the 5k or 10k distances move up to marathon but haven’t necessarily heard of a steeplechaser doing it. They are only running 3k which is basically mid-distance at this level of athletics.

But very excited to see that almost an hour in we’ve got 2 US athletes in the lead pack!!

So fun fact about when I run a marathon, usually around mile 16/17 I only drink half the water I pick up and then throw the rest in my face. In my head it looks sexy and athletic but there’s a good chance my nipples are bleeding by this point and I have salt lines across my face from sweat drying so…..

Bad news, I think Aliphine Tuliamuk officially dropped out.

MOLLY SEIDEL looking great right now. There is still a lot of running but it’s only her THIRD marathon and she is in front of the lead pack. This is wild and so exciting.

Just saw the truck of cameras they are all following….would not love following that.

No matter what happens from here, what an amazing race for Molly Seidel. Running without fear, inspirational to watch. I’m currently mapping out a long run for tomorrow to do in her honor.

I think it’s safe to MOLLY IS GETTING A MEDAL!!!! This is AMAZING.

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